Hi All! As we here at Field Camp Central are gearing up for our next round of adventures in the arid elevated West, this is a friendly reminder of our Give4Garnet fundraising campaign, in which 100% of donations (with no overhead!) go directly to subsidizing student participation in geology field camp. Although we are as slim as possible on our expenditures (e.g., dispersed camping on public land, preparing our own food, etc.) field camp has additional costs beyond classroom and lab courses, made increasingly difficult for students as the course is in the summer when financial aid isn't as available. Any donation no matter how small, can make a big impact in our students' lives as they take part in this transformative experience. We are grateful for all the support that has come in already, but we are running a little behind last year's pace and could really use a last ditch effort. There are less than six hours left to give (although we will accept donations at any time!), which you can do at this here url.
Your support means so much to me.
Oh, and here is a flickr photo album of field camp over the years that shows what you'd be supporting with a donation.